Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy as Bees...

So what do you do when you don't get on the computer for 2 weeks?

This........... (Click on the pictures to get a larger/better view, especially for the books!)

Here's a little closer look at some of it...

And more...

So, I've been busy as bees....and I've had a nice touch of spring fever....you know the usual...hair sprouting flowers, greenish tinge to the feet from running barefoot, uncontrollable desire to be outdoors.....

And I'm a year older....whoop-ee!

So, hopefully this post will make up for a lack of appearance....

And Bill, if you read this, I'm still working on your book cover...

And, hopefully, weather permitting, I'll be peddling the ol' wares at First Friday this weekend. Wish me luck...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Proof I have not fallen from the face of the Earth

I still exist... (though slightly worn out with a family surgery, internet flakiness and life in general)

Here some stuff I've been working on in between breaks of a commissioned painting for a book cover.....

The first two pictures are of Jacob's instruments he's been driving me crazy with and the rest are all paintings by me....


P.S. Keep your fingers crossed that a bookbinding class prospect will develop! More on that later!